Step l...Log on to school’s website (
Step 2...Click on the “Parents & Students” drop down menu for ‘e-Funds (Fee Management) and read “e-Funds System Instructions”, then proceed to “e-Funds Log-In.”
Step 3...First time users should click on ‘Register Here’.
Step 4...Complete your User Name, Password, and Name information. You must enter an e-mail address in the event you lose your password. Click on “continue”.
Step 5...Your Family Number is your primary telephone number in xxx-xxxx format. Enter the student’s last name. Click “Add” after entering this information. This should bring up your student information. *(see below) If your phone number has recently changed, please call the school secretary to change the information. If you have another student with a different last name, enter the family number and the next student’s last name and click “Add.”
Step 6...If the information on the screen is correct, click on “continue”. Make sure that you indicate on the screen the students that you will be making payments for now and in the future.
Step 7...Enter your payment source information in the Checking Account or Credit Card area. Step 8...Confirm your information and click on “submit”.
Entering Payments:
Step 1...Enter your user name and password on the Login screen.
Step 2...Click on the “Payment Options” menu item.
Note: You may scroll your mouse over the payment description and further information will show on your screen.
Step 3...To Make a Payment – Choose the student tab for which you are making a payment. Click “Add” on the items you are paying for OR enter the amount you wish to pay and click “Add.” Choose another student or click on “Continue.”
Step 4...Next verify the list of payment items you selected. Remove any you do not want to pay for by clicking on “Remove” by each item. If everything looks good, click “Continue.”
Step 5...Confirm your payment information.
Step 6...Print your confirmation information for your records. Step 7...Logout when finished.
***If you used e-Funds for Schools in the past and have a new student in the family attending school, you will need to link to the child to be able to make payments for them. TO ADD OR REMOVE A STUDENT FROM YOUR ACCOUNT: Login to e-Funds for Account Student Management on the bottom left...enter your Family Number (xxx-xxxx) and the student’s last name as in Step 5 under First Time User Set- on ADD. You should now see all of your children listed. Select New Payments to make a payment.
If you wish to remove a student, check the box next to their name and click “Remove.”
If you are having issues with e-Funds, please contact Kelly Herring at / 316-788-8436 or Cathryn Schulle at / 316-788-8424.