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Goal 5: Progress Updates

Read the current year Strategy 5 updates below, or read previous updates in the accordions labeled by year.

Report 2: February 10, 2025

The committee met with Russell Baldwin, District Athletic Director, as well as coaches from many of the sports teams. Those coaches that could not attend provided information to Mr. Baldwin. During this meeting the different sports (including marching band), shared the needs of their programs with the committee. These needs ranged from artificial turf fields, to better storage for band needs. This meeting was necessary to get an understanding of the needs of each area as we are about to begin working on the Master Plan for the District over the next 18 months. Below are items that will be reviewed during the Boundary and Capacity Study and Master Plan process.

Fields & Courts

  • Soccer: The preference for playing surface is turf; The field needs a locker room, storm protection, practice space, and expanded seating.
  • Tennis: Urgent resurfacing of the tennis courts is needed at Derby North Middle School. Derby High School’s courts require minor upgrades and have a long-term goal to expand to 12 courts.
  • Baseball/Softball: Turf would be preferred for weather resilience. The field contains an outdated press box/concessions booth. A goal for a four-plex (2 baseball, 2 softball) was discussed.

Indoor Sports & PE

  • Volleyball/Basketball: Need for a competition gym at Derby High School and drop-down net system.
  • Natatorium: There is a need for a district-owned facility. The current one is too small.
  • Wrestling & Weight Room: There has been massive growth in girl’s wrestling, which has caused a need for two wrestling rooms. A larger weight room is also needed.
  • PE/Fitness: Derby High School has insufficient locker space, and needs better supervision. The fitness center would be a dream space for the district athletics, which should be open to staff after hours.

Other Upgrades

  • Derby High School Site: There is potential for two practice fields, a band field, and expanded Panther Activity Center.
  • Lighting: Upgraded lighting is needed at the Derby High School field and band practice areas.
  • Storage: The band needs more on-site storage for props.
  • Concessions: There is a need for an ice machine/water at the tennis courts.

Key Takeaway

  • Most of these upgrades align with 5A & 6A school standards.

The goal for 2025 needs to be modified due to the timeframe of the Capacity & Boundary Study, as well as the Master Plan, which will now extend into 2026. The original target was to complete the Master Plan by June 2025. However, the timeline has shifted due to the time required for the selection process to engage a consultant. Over the past few months, the Board has conducted a thorough review of proposals, held discussions to evaluate potential firms, and finalized the selection of a consultant to lead this critical work.

Looking ahead, the Board of Education will hold a workshop on February 20, 2025 to establish formal goals and provide overarching direction for the study. Once underway, the Capacity & Boundary Study will assess current enrollment trends, building capacities, and projected growth to guide future boundary adjustments and facility planning. Simultaneously, the Master Plan will take a comprehensive look at the district’s long-term facility needs, considering factors such as building conditions, modernization efforts, programmatic space requirements, and future growth. Community engagement and stakeholder input will play a key role throughout the process, ensuring that the final recommendations align with the district’s educational goals and the needs of students, staff, and families.

Report 1: November 25, 2024

We have reviewed all of the findings from the tours of the District the committee completed last year in preparation for the Boundary & Capacity Study (and Master Plan). One thing stood out when we reviewed the list - these are mostly what we “need” items, based on what we have now. They were not necessarily new concepts or looking at what changes are needed to improve the teaching and learning environment or how education could be delivered. They are all good things brought up, but they were primarily surface level needs. It will be important to go deeper during facilitation to have real discussions around these topics.
We have been working to get consultants on board for the Boundary and Capacity Study. We anticipated this would begin sooner than it has and were basing our first meeting of the year on that fact to share out what we would be doing and what will be required from the committee.

However, there has been a lot of work happening as this consultant selection process is evaluated. We have had many discussions with the City of Derby about what they are seeing for land development and new communities coming to the City of Derby. Here is a chart of what they are seeing right now:


Current Status of Lots

Current Developments in Derby For Sale/Under
Almost Ready
for Sale
Not Ready
for Sale

El Paso Heights (Woodlawn & 95th South)

6 9 33

Oak Forest (Duplexes) (Behind Sonic)

0 0 4

Dove Hollow Addition (Rock & Chet Smtih)

0 0 115

Foxfire (55th St)

15 29 58

Sterling East (East Madison City Limits)

125 0 74

Cedar Ranch (East Madison)

36 19 22

Courtyards at Crosswater (East Meadowlark by St. Mary's)

0 0 105

Sky Ridge (North Rock Rd & 55th SE Corner)

0 0 143

Spring Ridge Addition (East Meadowlark, South side)

11 26 62

Total lots when completed:


The City of Derby is reporting that they expect growth to exceed their 20 year projects of 1.2% by a significant margin in the coming years. Building permits are up 15% this year over years past. There is also a variety of housing types coming to the market that Derby has not seen before - townhouse, courtyard homes, etc. It will take the work of a skilled demographer to interpret the impact that these housing types will have on the student population.

Once the decision is made on the Boundary & Capacity study, this will chart the path forward for the committee's work this year.

The committee also continues to work with the Curriculum Department to enhance and provide more work-based learning, shadowing, and internship opportunities for our students.

Previous Strategy 5 Reports By Year