Goal 3: Student & Staff Support for Special Services
View Goal 3: Student & Staff Support for Special Services Progress Updates
Special Services Parent Advisory Council
We are committed to optimally allocating resources - staff, program structure, training, etc. - to ensure all needs of students receiving special services are fully met.
- Create Special Services Advocacy Committee (official name to be determined by district or Board of Education) to support and oversee work on this goal.
- Create an overview of Special Services Pre-K-12th grade.
- Assess and establish Special Services training standards.
Assess and map professional learning opportunities for all district staff specific to Special Services.
- By June of 2023, the Special Services Advocacy Committee will be formed and, in partnership with the district, will research the optimal or preferred staff-to-student ratios for paras, social workers, counselors, psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, audiologists, vision therapists, teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing, and then set standards based on national recommendations.
- By June of 2023, the district will compile a list of evidence-based best practices for professional development and training, as well as who is responsible for these trainings and the timelines for completing them.
- By June of 2024, the district will develop/share special services program and course descriptions (Structured Learning vs. Life Skills, Course Modified vs. Resource, Read 180 vs. Horizons, electives, tiered support, etc.) for educating parents, students and staff.
- By June of 2024, the district will benchmark paraprofessionals' total compensation and benefits package.
- By June of 2024, through survey and observation, the district will identify what is working well at elementary level for continuity of experience as students progress through the secondary levels.
- Beginning in June of 2024, annual data reports will show a decrease in the number of actionable parent complaints, an increase in Special Education parent satisfaction.
- Beginning in June of 2024, annual data reports will show an increase in achievement and attendance of Special Education students.Beginning in June of 2025, the district will explore ways to increase engagement in the parent satisfaction survey.
- By May 2025, the district will explore, identify and communicate ways to increase inclusivity district-wide for students with exceptionalities, setting benchmark goals with identified areas with emphasis on professional learning, transitions, IEP/504 implementation, and facilities. These findings will be reported to the board.