Goal 2: Culture, Climate & Equity
View Goal 2: Culture, climate & Equity
Progress Updates
We are committed to creating a safe and positive culture by intentionally embracing our differences, providing equal opportunity for all, and inviting widespread participation for all educational stakeholders regardless of each person’s unique characteristics, thoughts and/or opinions.
- Establish a School Climate and Culture Advisory Council from diverse stakeholders in our schools and community to support positive student, staff and parent satisfaction with the culture of schools.
- The council will: (1) Serve as an advisory council, especially in the high school and middle schools. They will work in cooperation with the administration and serve as a resource for students and staff on school climate and culture issues, including: embracing our differences and diversity, finding ways to provide equal opportunity for all and inviting all stakeholders to participate. (2) Provide feedback to district administration on standardized diversity and bullying training for students and staff, to help recognize bullying and harassment and address it immediately. (3) Provide feedback regarding the district’s annual reporting to the State for discipline, as well as possible ideas/strategies for ensuring any discipline discrepancies are addressed. (4) Assist administration to develop, implement and evaluate a plan to reduce/eliminate nicotine and drug use within our schools. (5) Assist administration with measuring overall Climate and Culture feedback via a survey and/or small groups gathering feedback from staff, students, parents and our community. (6) Review ideas and provide feedback for district-wide values/character qualities to be used Pre-K-12.
- Explore ways to increase parent involvement.
- Prior to December 31, 2022 the Superintendent of Schools names the members to serve on the advisory council.
- By March 31, 2023, the council has convened, selects a chair(s).
- By December 31, 2023, the council and administration will collect ideas and provide a recommendation to the board for district-wide character qualities to be incorporated into schools.
- Beginning annually in November of 2024, feedback from the administration and council will be provided with results discussed at a school board meeting. It will include general feedback/best practices from each school’s culture committee and the district survey results, including parent/caregiver and student participation, gathered each October.
- By June of 2025, a status report from the administration and council will be made to the board regarding the impact of diversity and bullying training, trends in discipline data, and trends in nicotine and drug use in our schools.
- By June of 2026, the district will identify, reinforce and celebrate existing positive elements of the culture and climate in our schools and determine ways to foster and expand existing positive practices across the district.
- During Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences, the district will administer an annual school culture survey for each individual school. These will be made available via Skylert email and on devices available at the school during Conferences. This will measure the overall culture and climate at each school and will gather anonymous feedback from students and parents/caregivers about ways we can improve the culture and climate of each school. Sending the survey in October will provide students and parents/caregivers the opportunity to become more familiar with their school. The survey at the elementary level will be given to students in grades 3-5.