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Goal 1: Progress Updates

Read the current year Strategy 1 updates below, or read previous updates in the accordions labeled by year.

Report 2: February 10, 2025 

The Strategy 1 committee met on November 19, 2024 and January 23, 2025. During the November 19, 2024 meeting we previewed the middle of the year surveys to ensure the questions aligned with the improved professional development (PD) goals the committee is measuring. Committee members worked to create more defined expectations for the “highly relevant, specific, and nuanced” verbiage in the PD goal. The questions were aligned to ensure they measure participants' feeling of being relevant for their professional development learning needs, and specific and nuanced to their role (and/or career) within their school.

The question focused on measuring “highly relevant” was the focus of this question for the January 2, 2024 PD Day with 43.4% of staff selecting the highest category and 80.8% of staff selecting the highest two categories. 4 is extremely engaging and relevant, and 1 is not engaging or relevant.

The question reviewed centered around specific topics related to the session being valuable. Data from the January 2, 2024 Needs Assessment PD Day showed that 41.9% of staff responded with the highest category of value and 78.8% responded in the top two categories. (5 is extremely valuable and 1 is not valuable). 

The question selected to represent “Highly nuanced” aligned to the PD being specific to their current role. The committee had questions on which staff grouping or roles didn’t feel their PD was highly nuanced and spent some time reviewing the staff cheat sheet calendar to see which staff might have been attending or missing on a PD day. The question on how applicable was the training to your current position was used to measure the highly nuanced portion of the goal. 42.9% of staff responded by selecting the highest rating and 55.3% of staff responded in the top 2 categories. (5 is strongly agree and 1 is strongly disagree). 

During the November 19 meeting, committee members also reviewed the Individual Plan of Study goal: “By June of 2025, the district will integrate the Individual Plan of Study (IPS) Senior Graduation Portfolio in place of the senior project into the high school curriculum”. Committee members reviewed the revised English 12 pacing guide adopted in spring of 2024 and the IPS KansasStar Rubric to look at the Senior Graduation Portfolio. Next, committee members reviewed samples of students' graduation projects related to a career they wanted to explore and the student’s graduation portfolio in Xello and rated them. Committee members were excited to see this innovation to the Senior Project and the addition of the graduation portfolio as a way to improve students’ career plans and have them leave the high school with post-secondary plans and resources. 

During the January 23 meeting Committee members looked at the professional development survey from the January 6 professional development day and reviewed chronic absenteeism quarter 2 trends.

For the January 6 professional development day, they reviewed each aligned PD survey question. The question focused on value showed 55% selected the top and category 89.6% responding in the top two categories, a 10.8% increase. The question on relevance showed 90.5% selecting the top two categories showing a 9.7% increase. Finally, the question on nuanced and related to their specific position showed 49.3% selected the highest category and 81% selected the highest 2 categories, showing a 25.7% increase. 4 is extremely valuable and 1 is not valuable. 

The draft of the Chronic Absenteeism data for quarter 2 was shared with committee members and questions were asked about non-resident transportation and attendance rates, the impact of viruses currently circulating through schools, and families with persistent absenteeism. Committee members looked at their top three students and charted the most prevalent reason (or root cause) for their absences and strategies to address them. Strategy 1 will continue to work towards each goal, and the next meeting is scheduled for February 25, 2025.

Report 1: November 28, 2024 

Strategy 1 met on October 1 and October 29, 2024 to work towards our year three strategic plan goals.

During the meeting on October 1, we focused on our chronic absenteeism goal to decrease absenteeism and increase instruction time, by reviewing state definitions of chronic absenteeism and examining our current attendance rates by building (KSDE Absenteeism Counts and Definitions). Next, the committee members shared attendance initiatives at their buildings (By District and Building rates). Committee members discussed trends across groups of students, including resident/non-resident, homeless students, ELL students and others who may need additional assistance. The additional committee member recommendation of analyzing resident/non-resident trends and identifying student groups who need support was noted as a next step.

During the October 29 Strategy meeting committee, members worked on the professional development goal. Committee members reviewed the professional development (PD) survey the committee created during the 2023-2024 school year. The sample spring 2024 survey results were analyzed and the survey slightly revised to ensure it provided feedback to measure slightly nuanced and targeted professional development for each group of educators. After reviewing the survey committee members determined question 1 (The training session(s) provided were specific to my work or content area and provided me with useful information) will be used to measure if teachers felt sessions were relevant and nuanced by position. The committee also determined that survey question 6 (The session presented information we can use to plan student support now and/or in the future.) and question 2 (The Goldilocks question: The information provided during today's session was...too big, too little, just right) will be used to measure if the professional development sessions are appropriate and targeted. Committee members reviewed the professional development sessions planned November 1, 2024 and January 6, 2025 and determined that both days would be used to provide the committee with feedback. The next committee meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2024.

Previous Strategy 1 Reports By Year