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Special Services Parent Advisory Council

The Special Services Parent Advisory Council serves to facilitate collaborative communication between parents and district professionals to work together for the betterment of special service students and providers. 

Interested in joining our group? For more information, please contact Kristin Sen at

First page of the PDF file: TheSpecialServicesParentAdvisoryCouncilFlyerpdf1


Our Mission

The Special Services Parent Advisory Council serves to facilitate collaborative communication between parents and district professionals to work together for the betterment of special services students and providers. 

Our Vision

Impact positive change for our special services students and support their families. 


Who We Are

We are parents, just like you.  Our children recieve special services for a variety of reasons.  Some of our students are gifted, some have a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Cerebral Palsy, or are neurodivergent in other ways. Others have multiple physical, cognitive, and medical complexities Regardless of the diagnosis, all of our families' students have an IEP or 504 plan. 

Special Service PAC

Like you, we wanted to find a community of families like ours within the district. Families who are willing to ask the hard questions, learn their students’ rights and advocate for their students’ needs so they can reach their greatest academic potential in a safe and accommodating environment. Many of us knew nothing about IEPs or 504s when we entered the district. We have learned what to ask. We have learned what works and what doesn’t. It took many of us years to get the hang of it, yet we know we still have a lot to learn. Our members are a resource to one another and are committed to improving communication between parents and the district for the betterment of our students and staff.

We want to connect families whose students require IEPs or 504s to be successful in the school setting. We hope to empower families to become their students’ best advocate and arm them with the knowledge they need the minute they become a part of USD 260. 

The SSPAC began in the spring of 2023 as part of the district strategic plan after many parents expressed the need for a group such as this. Click here to review Strategy 3, which relates to Special Services.

What we do:

  • Host monthly meetings
  • Coordinate trainings specific to special services families
  • Connect families to other families and to community resources

Frequently Asked Questions