In the event a situation results in evacuation of one of our schools, we want our families to know we have procedures in place to respond to the situation. If an occurrence necessitates the evacuation of our students to another safe location, we have designated buildings throughout the city which will house students and allow us to implement a controlled release of students. As soon as it is safe to do so, the location of evacuated students will be shared via our communication channels and Reunification process will begin.
Here are some important points to remember:
• Bring your ID. There will be a short form for you to fill out for each child you are retrieving. School personnel will verify who is allowed to pick up the child and compare that information to a photo ID.
• Parents should be prepared to wait in line and be patient. In order to ensure the safety of all our students, it will be take a longer period of time to check out each student. It is imperative that records be checked and each student is released to the correct guardian.
• Understand that you will only be allowed to take the children if you are listed in their emergency contacts.