Certified Evaluation Process Instructions
Our teaching staff completes employee evaluations through the Frontline website. It is based on the Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching.
> Login to Frontline Education (Accounts for new staff are setup around the time of orientation. New teachers will receive details by email at that time.)
> Getting Started in Frontline's Evaluation System
> Orientation videos for new teachers and refresher videos for returning teachers are available in Frontline. After logging in and opening the Professional Growth module, click on the question mark in the top-right corner of your Frontline screen. This will open "Frontline Support," a.k.a. the Learning Center. From the menu, choose "Evaluation - Teacher/User > Getting Started > Getting Started for Educators." There are many other notes and videos in this same area if you need help navigating the evaluation system.
> 2023-24 Teacher Evaluation Deadlines
Support Staff
The Classified Employment Policy says all classified employees will be evaluated twice during their first year of employment and at least once a year during subsequent years.
> Classified Evaluation Tool
Administrators and Special Service Contracted Employees
Many of our administrators and Special Service contracted employees have evaluation tools specific to their position. Those tools, as well as an annual schedule, are make available to through a secured web page. Contact Human Resources if you have any questions.
Our teaching staff completes employee evaluations through the Frontline website. It is based on the Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching.
> Login to Frontline Education (Accounts for new staff are setup around the time of orientation. New teachers will receive details by email at that time.)
> Getting Started in Frontline's Evaluation System
> Orientation videos for new teachers and refresher videos for returning teachers are available in Frontline. After logging in and opening the Professional Growth module, click on the question mark in the top-right corner of your Frontline screen. This will open "Frontline Support," a.k.a. the Learning Center. From the menu, choose "Evaluation - Teacher/User > Getting Started > Getting Started for Educators." There are many other notes and videos in this same area if you need help navigating the evaluation system.
> 2023-24 Teacher Evaluation Deadlines
Support Staff
The Classified Employment Policy says all classified employees will be evaluated twice during their first year of employment and at least once a year during subsequent years.
> Classified Evaluation Tool
Administrators and Special Service Contracted Employees
Many of our administrators and Special Service contracted employees have evaluation tools specific to their position. Those tools, as well as an annual schedule, are make available to through a secured web page. Contact Human Resources if you have any questions.