Food Service
The Food Service Department serves over 5,000 meals a day. The Central Kitchen prepares the food and delivers it to the schools. The middle schools prepare some of their own food and the high school prepares most of its own food on site.
All Derby Schools offer breakfast every day. The breakfast is a one-week cycle menu. Every Monday is the same breakfast. Every Tuesday is the same breakfast and etc.
Students may have one serving of each fruit and vegetable offered each day. All lunch menus offer five components (fruit, vegetable, grain, protein and milk). Students are required to choose a minimum of three of the five components. One of those components must be at least 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable.
At the May 22 Board of Education meeting, it was shared that Swaney Elementary now qualifies for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) starting this upcoming school year. This provision will allow ALL students attending Swaney Elementary to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch a day.
Meals at Cooper, Oaklawn and Swaney are free to all students without any need for families to fill out a form or an application. Families who wish to see if they qualify for reduced enrollment fees should fill out the Household Economic Survey and Consent to Disclose forms when they enroll for the 2023-2024 school year.
Contact Information
For questions, please contact Martha Lawson, Food Service Supervisor, by phone at (316) 788-8419 or email at