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Food Drive Graphic

Derby Public Schools is participating in our 10th Annual Community Food Drive to benefit Derby Community Family Services, which runs the Derby Food Bank. At this point in the year, the Food Bank is often running low on food items to distribute to those in need. Please bring in non-perishable food items Monday, February 24-Thursday, February 27 and help reach our goal of 10,000 items district-wide! All items will be counted and sorted by DTEC (Derby Transition Educational Center) and Project SEARCH students on February 28.

This drive, taking place in person or through the drive-thru, is in conjunction with the Derby Chamber of Commerce annual Pancake Feed on Saturday, March 1 from 8:00-10:30AM at The American Legion Post 408 (120 E. Washington). The Pancake Feed is $7 per person for a stack of pancakes, two sausages, butter, syrup and disposable silverware.

To kick off the start of the food drive Derby North Middle School will host the second annual Granny (ICT Aerobelles) vs. McConnell Air Force Base basketball on Saturday, February 22 in the Derby North gym. 

Food Drive Flyer
Basketball fundraiser flyer