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Have a Student at a Secondary School? You Can Submit Absences Online!

Families who have students at Derby Middle School, Derby North Middle School and Derby High School, did you know you can report an absence online through Skyward Family Access instead of calling the attendance line? You can do this in advance, not just on the day of the absence. Here's how:

  1. Log in to Skyward/Family Access. (If you need your login, please contact your child’s school.)
  2. Select the correct student at the top of the page (if you have more than one student).
  3. Click on 'Attendance' on the left side.
  4. Navigate to the 'Absence Notification' tab at the top.
  5. Click 'Add Notification' on the right side.
  6. Choose the absence date, time, and reason. Adjust times for partial-day absences. Use the comment box to share additional information.
  7. Click 'Save' on the right side.

Please note: This option is available for students at Derby Middle School, Derby North Middle School and Derby High School.