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Patrons - Speaking Before The Board

If you wish to speak before the board at a meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board, Tessa Lies, at (316) 788-8410 or

Each Board agenda also allows for community and citizen presentations before the Board. Patrons and concerned citizens are invited and encouraged to use this time to present their information or concern to the Board. The following guidelines will help patrons make the most use of this time:

  • Constituents living in Derby Public Schools boundaries wishing to be placed on the Board agenda should make the request by noon on the same day of a Board meeting.
  • Individuals must register by providing their name and address prior to the commencement of the meeting.
  • When you are called upon, approach the podium and introduce yourself by stating your name, address and any organization you may be representing.
  • Be brief in your remarks and avoid repeating the views of the previous speakers.
  • If you are using a prepared statement, please provide copies for the clerk and the Board members.
  • Special interest groups should appoint one spokesperson.
  • Individual's presentations shall be limited to five minutes.
  • If the information the visitor wishes to provide the board consumes more than the allotted time, the board shall invite the visitor to return at the next regular or special meeting.

All presentations by visitors are expected to be orderly. Disorderly conduct will cause the presentation to be terminated.