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Review Committee

The Review Committee is a board appointed committee that includes educators, administrators, parents and board of education members who handle complaints concerning textbooks, media center or instructional materials use in Derby Public Schools is challenged. See Board Policy IF.

When a book is challenged, the Review Committee members read the book and book reviews for the text in question. The committee then meets to discuss the concerns reported in the challenge, any teacher's comments on deciding to use the book, the merits of the book, and challenged content. 

At the conclusion of the book review a final recommendation is noted by committee members. The person that initiated the book challenge and the educator (or librarian) using the book receive a copy of the committee review notes.  

The book review process is covered in Derby Public Schools policy IF. The American Library Association offers additional information regarding book challenges on their website as well as book reviews and frequently challenged book information. 

Submit forms to Heather Bohaty, Superintendent, and Dr. Holly Putnam-Jackson, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

Request for Review Form